Mastermind Session: qPCR vs ddPCR vs dPCR: Which is the Best Technique to Use for My Viral Titer?

Time: 11:30 am
day: Day One Track A AM


With the emergence of more and more molecular biology tools, it is becoming difficult to assess which is the best to use in practice. This is only complicated further by the lack of an exact match across PCR titer methods, making it hard to compare relative precision and accuracy.

This mastermind will give each group the same set of questions surrounding this central problem. Answers will be collated at the end of the session and distributed to all attendees post-conference to gain insights into current perspectives in the field and suggestions and ideas of relevant actions we can take as a collective to navigate misconceptions.

Topics to cover include:

  • Examining the differences in precision and accuracy among qPCR, ddPCR, and dPCR methods for viral titre determination.
  • Investigating the reasons behind the lack of exact match between various PCR techniques.
  • Identifying existing technological gaps in sample preparation, automation, and throughput and discussing strategies for improvement in these areas.
  • Using multiplex PCR methods to comprehensively quantify genome integrity
  • Technical considerations for sample preparation
